Welcome to ShanDong NingYang YuLong Steel Ball Co., LTD's official website !
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Steel Ball
Miniature Steel Ball
Carbon Steel Ball
Chrome Steel Ball(Bearing Steel Ball)
Stainless Steel Ball
Copper Ball
electroplated steel balls
non-standard steel ball
Steel Ball
Steel Ball
Steel Ball
Steel Ball
Company profile
      Founded in 1996, Yulong Steel Ball Co., Ltd. is located in Ning Yang county in the middle of Shandong Province enjoying superior location and convenient transportation. Its first factory was established in 1983 as the first Steel Ball Factory in Tai’an City. Through continuous and intensive development for over 30 years, our products sell all over the world.
      Our company is mainly engaged in: carbon steel balls, chrome steel balls (bearing steel balls), stainless steel balls, copper balls, aluminum balls, electroplated steel balls, steel balls in flying saucer, olive and satellite shapes, other materials and special technical requirements of steel ball;Shot blasting products for metal parts, metal surface treatment equipment.Size: 0.3mm—25.4mm; Grade: G10—G1000.Our company can also offer other......【Details
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ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLo 
Technical parameters
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Technical parameters of Yulong  
Technical parameters of Yulong  
Contact us
Shandong Ningyang Yulong Steel Ball Co.,Ltd.
Tyler Liu Manager
ADD:Ningyang County,Taian, Shandong, China
Tel: +86-538-5671578
Fax: +86-538-5671668
E-mail: tyler@ylsteelball.com
Web: www.ylsteelball.com
Steel Ball
Miniature Steel Ball
Carbon Steel Ball
Chrome Steel Ball(Bearing Steel Ball)
Stainless Steel Ball
Copper Ball
electroplated steel balls
non-standard steel ball
Steel Ball
Steel Ball
Steel Ball
Steel Ball
Copyright:ShanDongSheng NingYangXian YuLong Steel Ball Co., LTD   Phone:+86-538-5671578   Fax:+86-538-5671668  
Address:Shandong taian ningyang county town of ningyang LiGu Village (ningyang county industrial park, the eight immortals bridge)

 魯ICP備14030483号  Support, focus on the network (Phone:0538-6632526,8250118) 管理登錄
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